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Tag: ai-generated music

Can AI Music Creator Ruin Organic Music and Musicians?

Can AI Music Creator Ruin Organic Music and Musicians?

Latest Posts, Music Blogs
AI Music Creator PotentialWith the advent of AI music creators like Soundraw or Beatoven, and writing tools like ChatGPT by Open AI or Bard by Google, the question is genuine. Can ai music creator destroy the organic music and careers of organic musicians.?Before we go ahead with this whole concept of Music and AI, we need to realize that AI is now just a kid but still is better than human beings in many aspects. So, when it reaches adulthood how intelligent and powerful it will be is still unpredictable. The question if AI can kill the organic way of composing music is still unanswerable.A lot of changes will occur through artificial intelligence in the coming future and music is not exempt. Many artists, especially those who arrived new to the industry have already shifted t...